
Against value propositions

Bear with me folks, I'm going to do a discourse. Nobody asked for my thoughts, but what is a personal blog, if not a soap box for me to yell them out anyway. As always, but this time in particular, feel free to tell me that I'm wildly off base, and the things I say are bad are good actually. Recently, I read a post on Gaby Fermi's excellent blog, rolling d6 (go read it, it's good), about the price of tabletop RPGs . Here, she argues that RPG books are not too expensive because they offer a good value proposition in terms of how many hours of fun you can get from a book. While I solidly agree with her conclusion: No, RPG books are not too expensive, I'm not a huge fan of her reasoning to get there. As a preamble, I will just acknowledge that I am writing this from the relatively privileged position of having a job that gives me enough disposable income to buy many more games than I will ever have time to play. I understand that people with lower incomes will of cou...

A quick look at a big book: Infærnum

  While calling Infærnum a big book is perhaps a stretch, the lavish 192 page hardback is certainly not a zine, and these are obviously the only two categories of book and thus it must be a big one. Published by Mind's Vision , Infaernum was originally written in (Brazilian) Portuguese by Caio Romero with graphic design by Raul Rinaldi.  Unfortunately, I think the game suffers from being a translation, sentences are often clunky and unusually phrased in a way that does not feel like an intentional stylistic choice. This is a huge shame, as the book looks great, there has definitely been a significant investment in the presentation, so it would be great as if the crowdfunding could also have paid for another editing pass on the text. Fortunately it is generally clear, so it presents no obstacle to reading and playing the game, it just does not read particularly naturally. The version I read was the deluxe Apocalypse Edition, which is a gorgeous tome, full of colours and with g...

The Book is the Game is an Object

  Christmas has come, and is well on its way to going, as I write this. It's nice spending time with family and eating yourself fat etc, but that's not the topic of this blog. As part of our Christmas celebrations, I received several nice RPG books as gifts, which got me thinking of The Book as An Object. There has been a lot of discussion about what "the game is", is it what's written in the book, does it only exist at the table (whether wooden or virtual), or is it some abstract space defined by the written rules? An interesting, if academic, question, but not one I will attempt to answer here, except to say that the RPG book serves multiple purposes. There is a discussion about information design that often rears its head: Is it better to design the book for someone sitting down and reading it, or for someone referencing it at the table during play? And is it possible to design for both simultaneously? Many games try to solve this with play aids at the table in...

Matters of Luck and Skill - Reframing the Skill Check

  A common type of resolution mechanic in tabletop role playing games is the skill check - often resolved with comparing the value of a dice role plus a skill bonus to a target number ( E.g. difficulty class/DC, actual terminology may differ). The value of the DC tells you the difficulty of the task ahead, and the larger the character's skill bonus, the higher the chance of rolling over the DC and succeeding at the task. This framing essentially positions the roll as determining how well the character does at the task, which can feel unsatisfying when a character who should be skilled at the task fails something relatively simple (you could of course argue that relatively simple tasks should not warrant a roll, but you have to draw a line somewhere if you want to have skill checks in your game, and I like skills). One option is of course to forego the dice roll completely - select a difficulty class and compare it to a "skill level", if the skill is higher, it's a suc...

Zine Zone: Swineheart Motel

  This December, I am participating in the Covert Critic blogging extravaganza, as celebrated by the bloggers nesting in the Prismatic Wasteland Discord server, inspired by Clayton Notestine's 2024 Gifts for RPG Designers . This is a very fun exercise, and has me reading things I otherwise might not have picked up. Today: Swineheart Motel by Ty Pitre, AKA Mindstorm Press . Swineheart Motel is a system-neutral horror adventure for modern settings, set in and around a roadside motel deep in the forests of northern America. A podcaster has gone missing (the horror!) and the players are tasked with finding him. This is all contained in a 40 page zine, to the best of my knowledge only available digitally. Art is sparse, but what's there is bespoke and good. Instead of more spot art, many pages have little hand-written quotes, possibly attributed to the missing podcaster, though this is unclear. What is beyond doubt, however, is that they work well for setting the scene with their ...

Reality Check: Songbirds 3e

  It is said that no plan survives contact with reality, and I find that the same is often true of RPG rulesets. Of course, one can make a concerted effort to follow the rules as written, but in many cases, you will end up with your own table's version of the game, having discarded some bits of rules that did not click with you, and added some house rules of your own. I have been running Songbirds 3e by snow roughly weekly for most of the year, and in this post, I will try to sum up my experiences with playing it, rather than just what's in the book. Songbirds is, in its bones, a very simple system, relying to a large extent on vibes as its selling point. Fortunately, the vibes are impeccable, and absolutely managed to sell me on the game. At its core are four attributes, each with its associated skills tracked with 5e style proficiency. Checks are standard d20+modifier vs DC rolls, though unlike 5e attributes only have a single value acting as their modifier. Combat is done ...

Blog Friday: Abstract away your wealth!

  One of the staples of old school play is gold for XP. I don't use it myself, because I don't particularly like it. This dislike comes down to main issues: I don't like counting XP, and I don't like counting gold (or silver, copper, or any other currency). In this blog post, I behave much like a cooking blogger, ruminating a bit on my thoughts before presenting something gameable at the end. If you just want the game juice, skip to the section just before the bullet points. In my mind, XP is by far the easiest of the two to get rid of in a satisfying way. Just level up whenever it makes sense, such as after looting the dungeon, slaying the dragon, saving the prince(ss), etc. or just throw levels out entirely and rely on diegetic advancement instead.  Money however, has the problem that it is already entirely diegetic. The money is normally tracked as it exists in the world, not as some external game currency. Adventurers need money to spend on survival, buying trinkets...