
A card-based duelling mechanic

  Many a swashbuckling adventure contains a fencing duel or ten: our hero facing off against one or more opponents, their swords clattering as the fight takes them around the scenery in a way that is very difficult to emulate with a succession of attack (or damage) rolls. Where are the feints? where are the clever reversals? Instead, I present here a duelling mechanic (or perhaps rather a minigame?) using a deck of playing cards to emulate the back and forth of a classic fencing duel for two combatants: First, unless the game has a clearly defined attacker, both players draw a card to determine who starts on the offence and who starts on the defence . Highest card is offence . The duel is played out over a number of rounds, in the beginning of each round, cards are drawn, then cards are played, continuing until one combatant is defeated. In the first round, the players each draw a hand of five cards. In later rounds, they will draw two new cards for their hand, to replenish those play

The Why of Blogging

  So, in the grand tradition of RPG thinkers who came before me, I have decided to start a blog. As a relative newcomer to the scene, I am probably not the most knowledgeable, nor the most insightful writer on the web, but I do hope that my thoughts are at least interesting. If nothing else, this blog will serve as an archive of some of the thoughts I have, that would otherwise be lost (maybe they ought to be, who knows?). I will refrain from giving myself some overwritten mission statement, which will invariably be forgotten anyway, but I do have a few overall thoughts on the kind of things I will probably be writing about: Little gameplay ideas, or setting elements that may or may not make it into future games or supplements I write Blogs on blogs: sometimes I will read someone else's blog post and have thoughts on it, if I think they are sufficiently interesting, I will write them here "Reviews": many words have been said by almost as many people as to what is necessar