A quick look at a big book: Infærnum
While calling Infærnum a big book is perhaps a stretch, the lavish 192 page hardback is certainly not a zine, and these are obviously the only two categories of book and thus it must be a big one. Published by Mind's Vision , Infaernum was originally written in (Brazilian) Portuguese by Caio Romero with graphic design by Raul Rinaldi. Unfortunately, I think the game suffers from being a translation, sentences are often clunky and unusually phrased in a way that does not feel like an intentional stylistic choice. This is a huge shame, as the book looks great, there has definitely been a significant investment in the presentation, so it would be great as if the crowdfunding could also have paid for another editing pass on the text. Fortunately it is generally clear, so it presents no obstacle to reading and playing the game, it just does not read particularly naturally. The version I read was the deluxe Apocalypse Edition, which is a gorgeous tome, full of colours and with g...