The Snubbies: An award for (Bloggie) losers

Another year passes, another set of Bloggies is awarded. A round of applause is in order for the category winners, and a flower bouquet and fancy chocolates (perhaps even a bottle of wine) should be prepared for Sacha as thanks for the hard work of hosting, to be presented after the crowning of the overall winner. The Bloggies this year truly presented a bumper crop of blogs, each of them would have been a worthy recipient of an award, but alas, only one could prevail in each category (I guess three if you count silver and copper Bloggies). There are just more good blog posts to go around than there are spots on the podium. This is good for us blog readers, but less so for all the awards hungry bloggers out there. The Bloggies being decided by popular vote after the initial nomination process, there were votes whose outcome I disagreed with, but I guess this is just the curse of not being the median voter. Rather than complain about this, I'm being an adult about it: I'm takin...