Trimming the Fat: Goodbye Classes, Hello Skills and Feats

It's no secret that I kind of like the bones of the 5e skill system, even if that implementation is flawed. I also think that 5e is a clunky, bloated system, but I do understand its appeal. Making your little Blorbo is fun! Some discussion in the Discord server hosted by Prismatic Wasteland prompted me to expand upon my own thoughts on building characters through skills, stats, and feats, in lieu of traditional classes. In particular the focus of this blogpost will be on how I am for character building to work in my upcoming game Mistwalker (which I have mentioned before ), similar to how Josh wrote about his design thoughts while working on His Majesty the Worm . As in 5e, I do want players to make their little Blorbos in Mistwalker, but I find that relying on a 5e-style (what some would undoubtedly call " trad ") leads to too much overhead, as well as a very prescriptive, and thus limiting, set of character options. In particular when it comes to advancement. I like...