A Quick Look at a Big Book: The Hidden Isle

Hot on the heels of my previous review (of the down and dirty game of criminals, Swyvers ) comes another look at an even bigger book! This time, the tarot-based Forged in the Dark game The Hidden Isle with design and writing by Daniel Adams and James Patton , and art by Eliot Baum and Viv Tanner , published by the Austrian Causa Creations under their Sefirot brand. Evolved from the background lore of their previous board game offering, Sefirot , the game revolves around around Agents from the fictional Dioscoria, the titular Hidden Isle . The book is 190 pages of content, roughly A4 sized, and full of beautiful art. Set in what is ostensibly our real world with a dash of magic (inspired by the real beliefs of people at the time) on top, players take the role of agents sent by the Dioscorian government to meddle in the affairs of the rest of the world. Dioscoria itself is presented as a bit of an imperfect utopia: a multicultural haven of enlightenment and tolerance in an other...