The Why of Blogging


So, in the grand tradition of RPG thinkers who came before me, I have decided to start a blog. As a relative newcomer to the scene, I am probably not the most knowledgeable, nor the most insightful writer on the web, but I do hope that my thoughts are at least interesting. If nothing else, this blog will serve as an archive of some of the thoughts I have, that would otherwise be lost (maybe they ought to be, who knows?).

I will refrain from giving myself some overwritten mission statement, which will invariably be forgotten anyway, but I do have a few overall thoughts on the kind of things I will probably be writing about:

  • Little gameplay ideas, or setting elements that may or may not make it into future games or supplements I write
  • Blogs on blogs: sometimes I will read someone else's blog post and have thoughts on it, if I think they are sufficiently interesting, I will write them here
  • "Reviews": many words have been said by almost as many people as to what is necessary to properly review an RPG product. The fact of the matter is that I will probably have more time to read than to play (don't we all), and I plan to write my impressions here.
  • Other random thoughts that may or may not be RPG related, we contain multitudes. This is my space, and I will bloody well post whatever I want.

Ideally, at least some of this will be of interest to people other than myself, but only time will tell.

I write this post, not to be interesting in itself, but rather for posterity, in case someone ventures here and goes back to check out what this place is all about.



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